About us

The Law Firm Zupic & Partners has a long successful tradition in providing legal services. Since 1993, it has been recognized by the conscientious and successful work of his lawyers in the provision of services in all areas of law with particular emphasis on trade and commercial law, competition law, intellectual property rights protection, representation before international and domestic courts and arbitration, conducting enforcement proceedings and procedures for collection of claims for the needs of domestic and foreign corporations in the Republic of Croatia. The company has offices in Zagreb and Split and covers the entire territory of the Republic of Croatian, with continued cooperation with law firms in the EU, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.
Interdisciplinary, creativity, perseverance and providing professional and reliable services are basic principles of the Law Firm.The Law Firm Zupic & Partners advises multinational, international and local clients on legal issues relating to many sectors and industries, whether it be about dealing with everyday legal issues, representation before the courts, administrative authorities and various inspections or in relation to business operations with the importance of a sophisticated and strategic projects. We are proud of how our clients value our legal team as reliable and quality partners who will always give the correct advice and competent legal services. The experience and quality of our legal team has come to the fore in a sophisticated, strategic corporate transactions, and we are therefore considered from the side of our customers as reliable partners in solving all obstacles associated with their investments and business activities, as well as highly competent to solve ongoing legal issues in their business on everyday basis.
Based on the business results and the number of employees, Auditors Bisnode Croatia included the Law Firm Zupic & Partners in the exclusive group of 5% of Croatian companies that are permitted to use the certification mark of AAA. This has confirmed that the company Zupic & Partners, has the credit worthiness of excellence in the highest ranking group of companies in the Republic of Croatia.
Our legal team follows the legal regulations the EU law (the EU acquis communautaire), as well as the case law of European Court of Justice (ECJ), which is particularly important in specialized proceedings of competition law and regulatory law disputes in the sectors of telecommunications, communications, media and energy.
The Law Firm Zupic & Partners is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce and the German-Croatian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Deutsch – Kroatische Industrie und Handelskammer).
The focus of the Law Firm’s activities of providing legal services lies in the areas of commercial and civil law. The Attorneys from our Law Firm daily represent clients in commercial and arbitration proceedings, assist in resolving of the labor related issues in corporations – our Clients, as well as represent the Clients before the Competition authority and prepare the notifications of concentrations – mergers and acquisitions (M&A) among undertakings, provide legal services in the area of intellectual property rights protection (IPR) and copyright. Our Team of Attorneys provide the legal services to the Clients in relation to the commercial law, contractual law, real estate, labor law, as well as the legal representation in civil, labor, inheritance and other non-contentious proceedings, with special emphasis on the procedures for enforcing monetary claims. Finally we provide representation and advice in the field of tax law and in the proceedings relating to the public procurement of goods and services.
By timely reaction and pronounced focusing on the Client, our Team will support you to achieve your business goals in a practical, efficient and quality manner.The main goal of the Law Firm is providing of quality and efficient legal services tailored to the needs and interests of our Clients. The Firm has a long-standing cooperation with many foreign and local clients, engaged in various business sectors and industries such as banking and credit card sectors, the construction sector, media, tourism and energy sector, including utility industry, as well as publishing, pharmaceutical industry and air plane industry, insurance sector, sports and other trade and service’s industries.Attorneys from the Law Firm Zupic & Partners provide legal services to the Clients on Croatian, English, German language. In addition to working in the profession, our team of Attorneys continually improves their specific legal knowledge by attending various seminars, conferences and specialized workshops, in the country and abroad.The Law Firm Zupic & Partners currently has 17 employees, including 11 attorneys at law, 1 law trainee, an office manager and other professional staff in administration, economy and finance.



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